Fund "Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited - Class I"

Name Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited - Class I
ISIN VCP458682082
Currency EUR
Valuation weekly
Type Mutual Fund
Date 22.07.2024
NAV 110.91
Shares 31'011.6020
Share earnings -0.4431
Share earnings 2 -0.4431
Unrealised profit 0
Real estate capital gains 0
Downloads GAP Global Opportunity Fund Business report 20221231
GAP Global Opportunity Fund Limited Announcement to the Investors 20220510
Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited Announcement to the Investors 20221120
Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited Announcement to the Investors 20231120
Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited Offering Memorandum 20220510
Rücknahmeschein_Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited
Zeichnungssschein_Intalcon Alpha for Impact Global Fund Limited

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CAIAC International Limited